DI03 – Mastering the key issues arising under French employment regulations

Objectifs professionnels

  • To convey the key areas of French employment law that can have a significant economic or organizational impact on the business
  • To understand the stakes in terms of executive liability

Conseiller Fidal Formations

1. Essential aspects of individual employee management

  • Complying with recruitment-related requirements
  • Entering into an employment contract :
    – characteristics: rights and obligations
    – main types and differences from other contracts
  • Managing the employment relationship (working time, leave, etc.)
  • Making changes in the employment relationship

2. Effects of headcount thresholds

  • Understanding the relevant headcount thresholds and their implications

3. Compensation

  • Knowing the essential rules in the area of compensation
  • Distinguishing between the various forms of compensation :
    – individual
    – profit sharing
    – incentive plans
    – company savings plans
  • Social security contributions/payroll taxes

4. Staff representatives

  • Distinguishing between the various bodies and their respective missions:
    – staff delegates
    – works council
    – union delegates
    – oh&s committee
    – etc…
  • Handling social dialogue à la française
  • Understanding the protection applicable to staff representatives

5. Terminations

  • Knowing the main ways of terminating the employment contract :
    – dismissal for personal reasons
    – dismissal for economic reasons
    – negotiated termination
    – constructive dismissal
    – resignation
  • Measuring the costs and risks
  • Mitigating risks through settlement agreement

6. Executives’ exposure to criminal liability

  • Understanding the extent of liability
  • Guarding against criminal liability risks

  • Dirigeant - Chef d'entreprise
  • DRH / RRH

  • Acquisition

  • Formation associant aspects théoriques et surtout approche pratique.
  • Remise d’un dossier technique spécialement conçu par FIDAL FORMATIONS.

Formation Inter


Durée de la formation

Nombre de séances


0€ H.T

Frais de repas offerts

Présentiel Distanciel



Formation intra et sur-mesure

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